Monday 27 June 2011

And One for Puppies

And One for Puppies

            I had e-mailed my father about how much of a trash-heap Napoli is (trash, sketchy prostitutes, etc.).  Accusatory, I had asked him, “You brought me here as a child?!”  His response, “We never actually stopped there.  Just went by it.  Told you it was a cess pool.  Glad to hear you’re making new friends.”

            Will and I grabbed a cheap train ticket to Pompeii and got on the (rail)road.  Pompeii is HUGE.  And awesome.  However, early on, there’s this unmarked exit.  You walk down some stairs, thinking that there’s more cool stuff down there, and there isn’t.  There’s also a grumpy man who won’t let you back up the stairs, even if you just walked down and you are showing him your ticket.  Luckily, the people at the front let us back in.

Pompeii is super well preserved because Mt. Vesuvius really hated it.  I mean, check out this restaurant.  Those holes were for fire pits where the food would be.

            These columns and this amphitheater were also pretty badass.

            However, my favorite was easily the Temple of Apollo.  CHECK IT OUT. 

            After a long day of wandering in the hot Pompeii sun, Will and I headed back to Napoli.  We also booked a ticket to Palermo, a city in Sicily.  We went back to the hostel and Will passed out.   I tried to wake him, telling him we needed to get food before it got dark and sketchy.  He grumbled something.  I decided to try again at 20:00.  I was sterner, and he finally gave in.  We went to a pizza place that the hostel recommended.  It was super tasty.  Finally, we went back to the hostel, met our awkward Japanese roommate, watched some more Band of Brothers, and went to sleep.  

Will’s Corner
            Too hot. Better to be napping and hiding in dark places where the sun can’t find you.
Dear Joe,
            You burn brighter than any sun.  Keep it up.
Will and Andy

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