And One for Ike
Guess what time it is! As usual, if you have a question / want an explanation or story, leave a comment. Changes in stats are posted. If a stat is new, the change will be listed as the entire value of the stat.
3rd Quarter Statistics:
Trains Taken: 34 (+5)
Overnight Trains: 5 (+5)
Trams Taken: 9 (+7)
Buses Taken: 43 (+6)
Cabs Taken: 8 (+1)
Boats Taken: 3 (N/A)
Countries Visited: 13 (+4)
Countries Explored: 10 (+10)
Countries in Which American Music Is Not Played Almost Exclusively: 0 (N/A)
Cities / Towns in Which American Music is Not Played Almost Exclusively: 0 (N/A)
Capital Cities Visited: 8 (+2)
Cities/Towns Explored: 22 (+4)
Passport Stamps: 10 (+2)
Museums/Attractions Visited: 54 (+14)
War Museums/Armories Visited: 11 (+3)
Churches/Monasteries Visited: 10 (+2)
Ossuaries/Catacombs Visited: 3 (N/A)
Local Food/Drinks Had (ignoring duplicates): 20 (+5)
Made It Just In Time: 17 (+2)
Times Picked Up by the Military: 1 (N/A)
Andy Specifically Picked Out By Customs: 2 (N/A)
Most Roommates at Once: 9 (N/A)
No Hostel to Stay In: 2 (N/A)
New Friends Met: 50 (+28)
Old Friends Met: 1 (N/A)
Foreign Versions of Friends Met: 4 (N/A)
Crazy People Met: 8 (N/A)
Languages Spoken At Us: 8 (+2)
Languages Spoken By Us: 6 (+2)
Times Replied in Wrong Foreign Language: 3 (N/A)
Items Lost/Broken: 10 (+1)
Items Jury Rigged: 8 (+2)
Items Lost/Broken : Jury Rigged Ratio: 1.25 (– 0.25)
Souvenirs Bought: 2 (N/A)
Books Read by Andy: 10 (+3)
Books Read by Will: 3 (+1)
Videos Watched: 18 (+10)
Times Watched Appropriate Movie for Country: 5 (+2)
Times Played Appropriate Song for Situation (e.g., London Calling in London): 16 (+3)
Meals Crafted: 11 (+6)
Pizza Hut Buffets Eaten: 3 (N/A)
Gypsies Fended Off: 5 (N/A)
Clutch Situations: 5 (N/A)
Times Saved by Foreigners: 10 (+1)
International Mail Sent: 3 (+1)
Times Tried and Failed: 5 (+1)
Great Success: 1 (N/A)
Fences Hopped: 1 (N/A)
Epic Fails: 10 (+2)
Times Taunted by Animals: 7 (N/A)
Laundry Performed: 5 (+2)
Successful Bartering Performed: 2 (+1)
Prostitutes Observed: 8 (+2)
Times Solicited By Prostitutes: 2 (+2)
Guns Fired: 18 (+18)
Total Bullets Fired: 806 (+806)
Best Hostel: Aboriginal Hostel (Budapest)
Worst Hostel: Sweet Hostel (Milan)
Yay for stats! We really enjoy those, so read them. Grr. Anyway, today, we actually got to the milk bar. It is nothing like A Clockwork Orange. Instead, it is this quaint, wooden place staffed by women wearing traditional Polish dress. Polish food is a (delicious) assault on your stomach for two reasons. First, you get a shit-ton of food for almost no money. Second, it is really heavy. You feel like you’ve eaten a bag of bricks afterwards. It’s super tasty. Will and I both got pierogis and this crazy apple-pie-crepe thing. They were both awesome. However, walking afterwards was not awesome.
We also went shooting again. This guy spoke maybe three words of English. He knew a few numbers and the word “magazine.” We fired some Berettas, a 0.38 Special, and a TOZ-17 rifle. It was the first rifle I had ever fired, but it was a pea-shooter (5.56mm) so I felt kinda meh about it. This was when we discovered that Will’s glasses were missing. He had left it in Prague. Most of the time, we were shooting at 15-25m. That was difficult for Will, since he didn’t have his glasses. I maintain that he should just wear them all the time, since he’ll have to in the military anyways.
We got back to the hostel and watched Batman Begins. After that, we went to another Polish place. Will had meat pierogis, and I had normal pierogis and a blintz. Everything was great. Again, the food weighed 3,000 lbs…and cost like €4.
I went to Kitsch again. Eva and Sophie left, but Guillermo and Ajax went with me. We had a fantastic time. They’re funny guys, and I understand their language (a nice change of pace). The sun was coming up when we left. It was fun.
Will’s Corner
We like Ike.
Dear Joe,
Every single one of your stats is OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAND!
Will and Andy
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