Friday, 15 July 2011

And One for Cobra Commander

And One for Cobra Commander

            Today, we learned that Romania is in another time zone.  Our ticket said our train was supposed to get in at 12:30, so we set our alarms for 12:00.  We got up at noon and got ready to go.  12:30 rolled by, so we figured that the train was a little behind schedule.  By 13:30, we decided it was very behind schedule.  At 14:30, we were starting to think something was wrong.  Enter our Danish roommate, who says, “Uh, my phone keeps trying to say it’s in a new time zone and change.  Know anything about that?”  Romania is another hour ahead.  We had missed our stop by an hour when we woke up.

            Suddenly, we are in Bucarest, not Brasov.  We got tickets for the next train to Brasov, grabbed some lunch at McDonalds, and basked in the fact that Romanian is a romance language (i.e., I can understand it).  I got a really weird milkshake.  It was gross.  Will liked it, but what does he know?

            On the way to Brasov, I learned that Romania is green.  Also, Brasov is near the Carpathians.  BEHOLD TREES AND MOUNTAINS.
Well, and a highway. 

             As we got to the hostel in Brasov, we ran into our German friends from Budapest!  They were just there.  In Romania.  In Brasov.  In our hostel.  It was awesome.  They said they were going to go bear watching, and we decided to tag along.  The bears in Brasov are urban bears.  They like to root through trash, and they’re really used to people.  We were inside a van, so even if the bears decided to hulk out, we were safe.  

            They called this a “bear watching” trip, but it was actually more of a “bear glancing” trip.  We saw one bear for like three seconds.  When we got back to the hostel, we hung out with some British dude and chatted about the SAS and war history until like 02:00.  At one point, he mentioned that we once had 3,000,000 troops in England during WW2, as compared to England’s 600,000 remaining ones.  It was the largest foreign force ever in England.  I commented that we could have taken over England, making them our colony (the tables have turned, Brits!).  He agreed.  

            I want to clarify something.  We did not bring up war this time either.  He saw us watching Deadliest Warrior, and he commented that it’s an awesome show.  

Will’s Corner
            Best way to fight a bear: tequila, sombrero, and two six shooters.  You’re ready to go.
Dear Joe,
            You’re like a bear.  A party bear.  ROAAAAARRRRAAAAGE.
Will and Andy 


  1. Because our unhealthy obsessions with bears extend to beating the crap out of them and eating their hearts to gain their strength. With a shot of tequila, of course.

  2. Also I don't understand why my name is suddenly a string of coded numbers and letters. :<

    - Ivan

  3. It's because you haven't eaten enough bear hearts recently.

    Also, Will and I approve of your opinions on these matters. This is why we like you.
