Monday, 27 June 2011

And One for Bears

And One for Bears

            We slept in a bit today (on purpose!).  We made our way into Rome and headed towards Basilica Cappucini, a Capuchin monk cemetery that’s filled with crazy BONE ART.  It was taking a siesta when we arrived, so we went and got lunch.

            For lunch, Will and I went to a kind of expensive place, but it was super delicious.  The food was super fresh and home-made.  By the time we were done, the siesta was over.  The place was fucking insane.  I mean, look at this.  

Yes, that is a grim reaper with a scythe and scales on the ceiling.  Yes, everything is made of human bones.  Yes, it was awesome.

            We grabbed tickets to Venice.  We have an overnight train tomorrow.  We ran some errands and grabbed dinner in (SURPRISE) Trastevere.  It’s so cheap and delicious, it cannot be beaten.  You should cry everytime we go there.  I got into an argument with a wasp while we were there.  It kept landing on my food, and after I realized it was just being annoying, I kept telling it to go away.  I think people thought I was insane, because I was like, “Go away.  You have no friends here, and no one likes you.  Go back to your hive.  Maybe you have friends there.”

            Finally, we returned to Camping Fabulous and here we are!  Yeah, we didn’t do jack shit today other than look at Capuchin zombie art.  Shut up.  We will do stuff tomorrow.

Will’s Corner
            Christianity is nuts. And awesome.
Dear Joe,
            You would make the best zombie art in the world.  You have the prettiest bones of anyone!  You’re the belle of the zombie ball.
Will and Andy

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